This little window has popped up to let you know about this site.

This site is a Virtual Mall.

The tenants on this mall are responsible for their own shop fronts.

The management of this mall hope you will make return visits and make purchases.

They hope you will come and buy simply because of the great offerings of the tenants.

However, like all great shopping malls there will be entertainment.

There will be art and photography. There will be exhibitions.

If you buy there will be more funding for these 'free' extras. Come back soon and see how things are progressing.

The views expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of the publishers. While reasonable car is taken when accepting advertisements , the publishers cannot accept any responsibility for any resulting unsatisfactory transactions. They will however investigate any written complaints. Danby Data di Richard Robson, 13, Tees Rd., North Yorkshire, TS10 1QD UK.

This is the beginnings of The Gotta Av It Art Gallery.